Humans are the weakest link in any automated system, whether it is the humans at the end of the chain, sometimes derogatorily referred to as users, or the humans at the other end who did the best they could to design and build the system. Incidentally, that's why I believe the future envisioned in the Matrix is a reality; when the machines take over they will take humans out of the equation. Only they won't keep us around as organic batteries: we're not even good for that (bio fuel, maybe). But let's get back on topic.
In modern (semi-)automated systems, it's funny to see how little direct inter-human communication remains. Many of the emails and paper letters I receive are computer-generated, and most of my daily chores require little or no human interaction. To my amusement (or should I be worried?) many of the humans that are still needed around have just shut down their brains to let the thinking to the machines. The numbed look on the faces of the girls operating the supermarket checkout counters shows they know it: they are sort of lingering on the temporary state of being affordable robots, moving groceries past a bar code reader.
In a way, the computer has become a very complex, distorting communication channel between the humans at the opposing ends of the chain. Any sizable software project is like a modern tower of Babel; the software architects can't understand the network engineers, the database designer doesn't have a clue about the user's needs and the programmers are left in the dark with a cryptic technical design document. The resulting system doesn't do what the user expected, covers the wrong 90% of the technical requirements and oversteps both the deadline and the budget. The only one who thinks it's good is god.
The software industry has often been compared to other industries, often to its demerit. But it's not fair; software is extremely complex. It just doesn't stand a comparison to a car, or a coat hanger. A large program has many thousands of lines of code, and by simple statistics a very good programmer will make one mistake in a thousand lines. How far reaching a bug is can't easily be predicted.
Bug tracking systems are a great help (even though they are also semi-automated systems that humans communicate through). We are inclined to repair our faults as quickly as we may, in the hope of ever achieving the ultimate goal of having a bug-free program. But what I'm interested in has to do with software forensics. More of a biologists approach to bugs: instead of putting your heel on it to squash it, inspect it up closely to see where it came from, what it's habitat is, what it feeds on. A software bug is some form of programmer error; what was the cause? Programmer laziness? Fatigue? A misunderstanding of the requirements? An oversight? A subconscious TO DO item that was later forgotten? Hastiness? I have no hope of reducing the number of bugs in software until we start to dig in to these questions and find the key factors that influence the number of programming mistakes.
So let henceforth every bug tracker be outfitted with one more field: the blame field, indicating what was to blame for this bug. Otherwise, I have no hope.